The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure was established at the same time the United Arab Emirates was founded in 1971, as part of the first Ministerial formation.
Later, in 2004 the Ministry of Electricity and Water was merged with the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources to form the Ministry of Energy.
Then, in 2016 the electricity and water portfolios were transferred to the Ministry of Industry to streamline water security targets with overall federal industrial plans. And following the Ministerial amendment of 2017, the industry portfolio was also transferred to the Ministry of Infrastructure, giving rise to the Ministry of Energy and Industry. In 2020, it became the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure
The alignment of the portfolios has since ensured the organization, policy recommendations and future strategy development to propel the UAE’s advancement of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies.
In contributing to the UAE’s Vision 2021, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure highlights the pivotal role The United Arab Emirates plays on the global energy and industry stage by proposing and developing policies, legislations and strategies in coordination with relevant authorities to achieve the security, sustainability and competitiveness of the energy, industry, water and mining sectors while crucially reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure supports and coordinates efforts to launch innovative and forward-looking initiatives. It successfully set-up the first National Energy Strategy 2050 at a regional level, which has since been applied through the first Future Laboratory at the state level. It has also launched the Water Security Strategy 2036 for the United Arab Emirates, and the National Strategy for Innovation in the water sector.