The UAE Ministry of Environment and Water has called upon all individuals, institutions and companies working in the environment and wildlife sector to participate in the Gulf Cooperation Council Award for the Environment and Wildlife. The award aims to encourage individual and collective initiatives undertaken to preserve the environment and wildlife, inspiring innovation and creativity to contribute towards sustainable development while raising awareness among GCC countries.
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf - Secretariat General has announced the launch of Gulf Cooperation Council Award for the Environment and Wildlife 2015. The award seeks to play an effective role in the preservation of the environment and conservation of natural resources and at the same time stimulate Gulf society to foster a more caring attitude towards the regional environment.
The Award consists of eight categories, including the ‘Best Research in the Field of Environment’ and ‘Best Research in the Field of Wildlife.’ The award for the ‘Best Media Work,’ including ‘Environmental Journalism’ for printed media, ‘Best Documentary Film,’ ‘Best Investigative Journalism,’ ‘Best Picture’ and the ‘Best Article’ is divided into two sub-categories: one for High School students and another for individuals who are 18 years or above.
The fourth category is for the ‘Best Protected Area in the GCC countries,’ while the fifth is for the ‘Best Volunteer Working in the Field of Environment and Wildlife.’ In addition to the Award for ‘Environmental Awareness’ and ‘Personal Environment and Wildlife,’ there is also the ‘Best Industrial Foundation Committed to Environmental Conditions Award.’
The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf Secretariat General has set July 15, 2015 as the deadline for the submission of nominations, with the winners to be honored at an awards ceremony which will be held on October 12, 2015 in Qatar. Moreover, for those who wish to file for nomination, the terms and conditions are available on the website
The award is being organized following the decision of the fourth meeting of the GCC Ministers Responsible for Environmental Affairs convened in 1994. The first awards were held in April 1999 in Qatar.