Issue a License for Practicing Animal Care Activities

  • Service Code D2-2-AAA-04-AWD
  • Number of Users
    1299 Companies
    0 Individuals
  • Number of Transaction
    1840 Companies
    0 Individuals
  • Target Audience
  • Service Channels

Service Time

The Estimated time to submit a service request : 5 minutes / The time to obtain the service: 3 working days

Customer Happiness Centers

Call Center


User manual

Service Description

Through this service the following: 1- a license is obtained for practicing animal activity valid for one year from the date of issue for the following activities: (Care and shelter centre, Breeding centre, Zoos, Circus, Zoological park, Scientific research centre and institution, Veterinary products factory, Animal feed factory, Import and export of animal waste (by-products), Import and export of animal products, Import and export of feed, Import and export of livestock, Import and export of wild animals, Import and export of birds, Import and export of pets) 2- Sub-processes are also obtained, including the following: (Adding another animal activity / canceling an Licensed activity/ connecting professions within establishment / cancelling the license) during the validity of the license

Service Procedures

To apply for a service over any of the service channels, you should register in the digital services system From here

In case of a request to issue a license / renew a license / add another activity

  1. Create the application electronically
  2. Review the application and complete the procedures electronically
  3. Inspection of all establishments 
  4. Issuing the license electronically

In case of canceling an activity / canceling a license:

  1. Create the application electronically
  2. Review the application and complete the procedures electronically
  3. Inspection of establishments having life animals within its activity.
  4. Canceling the license electronically / canceling the activity from the license and issuing a license for the available activities

In case of adding or canceling the professions (veterinarian / agricultural engineer / pharmacist):

  1. The service allows adding more than one profession (veterinarian or (an agricultural engineer licensed by the Ministry as a substitute for a veterinarian in the case of feed factories only, or a pharmacist licensed by the Ministry of Health and Community Protection may be a substitute for a veterinarian in the case of veterinary preparations factories only).  according to the requirements of practicing activities through an available sub-procedure "adding professions"
  2. The service allows the cancellation of more than one profession (veterinarian, agricultural engineer, or pharmacist) according to the requirements of practicing activities through an available sub-procedure of "cancelling professions" with the necessity to maintain the minimum required for practicing activitie

Service Fees

2000 AED Request approval or renewal of an approval license for animal shelters, zoos and private breeding centers
2000 AED Request for the issuance or annual renewal of an approval license to open a pharmaceutical or non-medicinal veterinary plant
500 AED Request for the issuance or annual renewal of approval licenses to practice animal and veterinary activities for each activity

Required Documents

In case of a request to issue a license / add a new activity:

  1. Copy of valid trade or industrial license
  2. Approval of the competent authority for the establishment of the facility (establishment)

For all establishments except those specialized in trade activities, the following additional documents are required:

  1.  Veterinary supervision through one of the following options:

- Presence of a licensed veterinarian from the ministry, or

- Veterinary supervision contract with a governmental veterinary authority (except for veterinary preparations factories) or

- Veterinary facility licensed by the Ministry (except for veterinary preparations factories), It includes a primary veterinary clinic, a comprehensive veterinary clinic, a specialized veterinary clinic, a comprehensive veterinary hospital, and a specialized veterinary hospital.

- It is permissible for an agricultural engineer licensed by the Ministry as a substitute for a veterinarian in the case of feed factories only, and a pharmacist licensed by the Ministry of Health and Community Protection may be a substitute for a veterinarian in the case of veterinary preparations factories only.

  1. An environmental permit issued by the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 24 of 1999 on the protection and development of the environment

For the following animal facilities (zoos, animal parks, circuses, breeding centers, specialized care and shelter centers, scientific research centers and institutions) whose work requires the availability of dangerous animals:

  1. Register the data of the technical personnel who will work in the facility (ID number - name - position - license’s number / statement of approvals obtained from the concerned authorities)
  2. A plan approved by the competent authority for the site of the establishment and a detailed breakdown of its various buildings and facilities, including food stores, processing sites, animal isolation and administrative buildings.
  3. A document stating the purpose of the establishment of the facility and clarifying the methods, procedures and techniques that will be used for breeding animals in the event that this is among the objectives of the establishment of the facility.
  4. A list of the types of animals to be owned in the establishment and the capacity of the center with respect to parents and newborns
  5. Documents explaining the disposal methods
  6. A document explaining the routine behavior of dangerous animals
  7. Insurance policy document from one of the insurance companies licensed in the country against the dangers of dangerous animals
  8. A record showing the animal data (species, breed, sex, color and any other distinctive markings and identification data) and purchase and sale movement data including animal sources and buyers, with copies of the relevant evidence.
  9. A copy of the operating plans for the establishment, including health care plans, nutrition plans and contingency plans
  10. A file for CITES certificates for dangerous animals that are included in the annexes of the CITES agreement.
  11. A record for the Birth and death.
  12. A record of monitoring the health status of the dangerous animal inside the facility and its vaccination, provided that it is used by the supervising veterinarian.
  13. A record of daily activities in the facility, including feeding programs, cleaning and disinfection operations, and rodent control.

In case of canceling a compulsory activity (all establishments except those specialized in trade activities):

1- A copy of a valid commercial or industrial license

In case of canceling a compulsory license (all establishments except those specialized in trade activities):

1- A copy of the cancellation of the commercial or industrial license

Terms and Conditions

Requirements for accommodation or presence of animals for licensed facilities:

  1. The materials used in the construction of structures, especially barns and cages, as well as equipment that can be touched by animals, shall be harmless
  2. They shall be free from pollution sources, easy to be cleaned and disinfected and tightly sealed
  3. Be suitable for the species, type, age, size and weight of the animal
  4. The facilities shall provide protection against weather fluctuations and stray and loose animals
  5. Have sufficient space and good ventilation
  6. Be designed in such a way as to provide food, water and health care appropriately to the animal, taking into account the conditions of food storage
  7. General safety conditions for humans and animals should be met
  8. Animals that are not raised in buildings shall be protected from fluctuating weather conditions and any hazards to their health, and shall have access to a suitable and well-drained waste disposal site.
  9. Add some effects that create an environmental atmosphere for the animal in proportion to its original environment
  10. A record of births and deaths
  11. A follow-up record of the health status and vaccination of animals within the facility, provided that it is used by the supervising veterinarian
  12. A record of daily activities in the facility including feeding programs, cleaning and disinfection operations and rodent control should be available
  13. Health care plans should be available
  14. Nutrition plans should be available
  15. Contingency plans should be available

In case of renewal of the license:

  1. The facility continues to adhere to the terms and conditions contained in the service card for a license to practice animal activity, according to the type of activity
  2. It is not permitted to make any amendment to what is stated in the documents submitted for licensing or to the existing structures in the facility after granting the license without obtaining prior approval from the Ministry

Frequently Asked Questions

When is a facility or an establishment required to obtain a technical license from the MOCCAE to practice an animal activity?

When it obtains a commercial license or approval of the local authority for activities that require a technical license from the Ministry, such as shelters, breeding centers, a zoo, a fodder plant, a veterinary pharmaceuticals factory, and other activities that require a technical license to practice the activity across the emirates. Commercial activities don’t require a technical license, but to obtain an import services license from the Ministry, they must register and obtain this technical license

What are the services that can be acquired from the Ministry after obtaining the technical license?

Obtaining a technical license from the ministry provides access to certain services, which may change by addition or cancellation, depending on the activity listed in the technical license, and these services are:

  • Issue a permit to import animal products and byproducts
  • Issue a CITES import certificate
  • Issue a permit to import semen and embryos
  • Issue a permit to import animals, live birds and ornamental fish
  • Issue a permit to import animal feed and fodder
  • Issue a permit to import pets - cats or dogs
  • Issue a permit to import veterinary raw material (raw materials for feed additives) or (raw materials for veterinary pharmaceuticals factories)
  • Issue and renew a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certificate for veterinary products
  • Issue a certificate of free sale of a veterinary product

What are the professions needed for the animal activities that require a technical license to practice?

The needed professions are as follows:

  • A veterinary supervision contract with a therapeutic veterinary facility or a veterinarian with a valid license from the Ministry
  • For a feed factory: a veterinarian or agricultural and animal production engineer with a valid license from the Ministry
  • For a veterinary pharmaceutical factory: a veterinarian with a valid license from the Ministry, or a pharmacist with a valid license from the Ministry of Health and Prevention

Is it possible to add or cancel an activity in an animal activity license?

An activity can be added or canceled in a license provided that the license is valid and the expiry date of the license will not be changed by adding or canceling an activity. Services that can be used will be added or canceled automatically from the customer’s account after the addition or cancellation is approved.

Can a license to practice animal activity be canceled at any time?

A license can be canceled at any time. The commercial / industrial license is required to be canceled only for the activities that are compulsory to practice the activity. As for the optional activities such as trade, it is not required to cancel the commercial license. The services that can be used will be added or canceled automatically from the customer’s account after the license cancellation request is approved

What are the documents required to be provided for the technical personnel who will work in the specialized facilities?

A document clarifying the data of the technical personnel who will work in the facilities mentioned in Federal Law No. 22 of 2016 regarding the regulation of the possession of dangerous animals, including (animal and bird breeding centers - animal care and shelter center - zoos - circuses - animal parks - animals scientific research centers and institutions). The document should include: (ID number - name - nationality - position - data for licenses / approvals obtained from the concerned authorities in the emirate)

What are the details of the following required documents:

  1. A document explaining the purpose of establishing the facility and explaining the means, methods and techniques that will be used to propagate animals
  2. A document illustrating a list of the types to be possessed in the establishment and the capacity of the center
  • A document explaining the purpose of establishing the facility and clarifying the means, methods and techniques that will be used to propagate animals: The name of the document corresponds to Cabinet Resolution No. 15 of 2019 regarding the executive regulations of Federal Law No. 22 of 2016 on the regulation of the possession of dangerous animals. The document must include:

                         i.         The purpose of establishing the facility

                        ii.         Means, methods and techniques used for breeding animals (for breeding centers)

  • A document illustrating the list of animal species to be possessed in the facility and its capacity with regard to parents and newborns: The name of the document corresponds to Cabinet Resolution No. 15 of 2019 regarding the executive regulations of Federal Law No. 22 of 2016 on the regulation of the possession of dangerous animals. The document must include:

                         i.         Type of animals to be possessed in the facility

                        ii.         Number / capacity for each species (parents / newborns) (for breeding centers