Issue an Agricultural Activity License

  • Service Code D2-2-AAA-05-AD
  • Number of Users
    2547 Companies
    0 Individuals
  • Number of Transaction
    3298 Companies
    0 Individuals
  • Target Audience
  • Service Channels

Service Time

The Estimated time to submit a service request : 5 minutes / The time to obtain the service : 3 working days

Customer Happiness Centers

Call Center


User manual

Service Description

Through this service, Approval obtained to practice an agricultural activity for one year from the date of issue. These activities include: (Plant nursery/ Agricultural consultation / Agricultural pest control /Agricultural extension / Seeds import and export / Bees import and export/ Agarwood and its products import and export/ plants and seedlings import and export/ Pesticide trade/ Fertilizers and agricultural conditioners trade / Manufacture of fertilizers and agricultural conditioners / Accreditation for a unit for production and trading of farm waste fertilizers(

Service Procedures

To apply for a service over any of the service channels, you should register in the digital services system From here

  1. Fill out the electronic form
  2. E- Payment 
  3. Review the application and complete the procedures electronically
  4. Inspection of the establishment (for Pesticide trade, Fertilizers and agricultural conditioners trade, Plant nursery, Manufacture of fertilizers and agricultural conditioners and finally production and trading of farm waste fertilizers units) / Renewal does not require inspection if the location of the agricultural activity has not changed.
  5. Issuing the license electronically

Service Fees

•500 AED Request for issuance or annual renewal of approval licenses to practice agricultural activities for each activity
•1500 AED for Request for issuance or annual renewal of license to establish a nursery
•5000 AED for Request for issuance or annual renewal of approval licenses for Manufacture of fertilizers and agricultural conditioners
•200 AED for Request for analysis of a water, soil or plant sample If the service is provided
No Fees for Accreditation for a unit for production and trading of farm waste

Required Documents

Documents required for all establishments to issue a license for the first time:

  1. Commercial license OR trade name or professional license and partners annex

The following document shall be added for pesticides and fertilizers agricultural conditioners trading establishments:

  1. Copy of Lease OR ownership of the activity site.

The following document shall be added for agricultural nursery establishments:

  1. A map of the nursery showing the area and location
  2. A copy of a valid lease contract for the activity site or proof of ownership of the site

The following document shall be added for manufacture fertilizers and agricultural conditioners and for a unit for production and trading of farm waste fertilizers.

  1. Copy of Lease OR ownership of the activity site.
  2. The environment permit issued by the competent environmental authority. for Manufacture of fertilizers and

Documents required when adding an agricultural activity:

  1. The commercial, professional or industrial license or the trade name indicating the activity to be added.

Documents required when adding/deleting an agricultural activity:

  1. The commercial, professional or industrial license or the trade name indicating the deletion of the activity from it

Terms and Conditions

For pesticide and fertilizer trade facilities:

  • The presence of an agricultural engineer with agricultural activities license (for more information about agricultural activities license please see the link:

  • Provide a well ventilated storage area
  • The warehouse should be far from the residential areas
  • The floor in the storage area shall be well insulated to prevent moisture leakage and to keep the flooring dry.
  • Fire extinguishers and first aid should be available in the storage area.

For Issue a license for the manufacturing of fertilizers and  agricultural conditioners:

  1. The presence of an agricultural engineer having a practicing license from the ministry (for more information about agricultural activities license please see the link: )
  2. . Fertilizers and soil conditioners stores shall be shaded, well ventilated and equipped with the required safety devices and meet all requirements issued by the competent authority and relevant authorities
  3. Raw materials should be stored separately from other products
  4. Imported raw materials must only be used for the purposes of manufacturing and producing fertilizers and soil conditioners and shall not be use other than this
  5. Records shall be used to document all raw materials used, all types produced, their quantities and their circulation for the purpose of follow-up and tracking, and records shall be kept for a period of no less than 5 years and submitted to the Ministry upon request
  6. Shall dispose the generated waste in accordance with the Federal Law No. (24) of 1999 regarding the Protection and Development of the Environment and its amending laws and its by-law (
  7. The operation shall not produce, manufacture or trade any product before registering it according to applied the terms and conditions

    Accreditation for a unit for production and trading of farm waste:

    1. Compliance with the requirements and technical specifications of fertilizers and soil conditioners referred to in the Ministerial Decree No. (784) of 2015.
    2. Register the products according to the requirements of the Ministerial Decree No. (784) of 2015.
    3. Documenting the raw materials used, the types produced their quantities and their circulation with special records for follow-up and tracking for a period of not less than 5 years and submitting them to the Ministry upon request.

    Agricultural consulting facilities:

    • The presence of an agricultural engineer with a license to practice agricultural engineer with experience in the field of agricultural consultancy, for more information please see the link:

    Plant Nurseries Facilities

    • The area of the nursery should not be less than 2 dunums.
    • The location of the nursery should be close to the roads
    • Availability of basic facilities such as office room, storeroom and toilet
    • The nursery soil should be suitable for cultivation and free from soil pests
    • The irrigation water in the nursery should be suitable for irrigation of cultivated plants
    • The presence of an agricultural engineer or agricultural technician with agricultural activities license (for more information about agricultural activities license please see the following link: