Cancel Ownership of Species Listed in CITES Appendices

  • Service Code D1-2-AAA-44-Q
  • Number of Users
    3 Companies
    7 Individuals
  • Number of Transaction
    34 Companies
    10 Individuals
  • Target Audience
  • Service Channels

Service Time

The Estimated time to submit a service request : 5 minutes / The time to obtain the service : 1 working day

Customer Happiness Centers

Call Center


User manual

Service Description

This service allows the cancellation of the ownership of live animal and plant species and their derivatives that listed in CITES Convention Appendices and delete it from the customer's account for the following cases: The death or destruction of specimen/ Loss or escape of specimen

Service Procedures

To apply for a service over any of the service channels, you should register in the digital services system From here

  1. Fill out the electronic form
  2. Review the application and complete the procedures electronically
  3. Transfer the species or specimen from customer account to another account electronically.

Service Fees

No Fees

Required Documents


Terms and Conditions
