Request a falcon passport

  • Service Code D1-2-AAA-27-Q
  • Number of Users
    0 Companies
    3266 Individuals
  • Number of Transaction
    0 Companies
    22427 Individuals
  • Target Audience
  • Service Channels

Service Time

The Estimated time to submit a service request : 5 minutes / The time to obtain the service : 3 working days

Customer Happiness Centers

Call Center


User manual

Service Description

Through this service, the falcon owner can obtain a falcon passport which would be valid for 3 years from the date of issuance, or the renew of the falcon passport, or issue replacement of lost. The passport can be used during travel and hunting trips instead of using CITES certificates.

Service Procedures

To apply for a service over any of the service channels, you should register in the digital services system From here

  1. Fill out the electronic form
  2. E – payment
  3. Review the application and complete the procedures electronically
  4. Issuing the Falcon passport 
  5. Deliver the falcon passport through carrier

Service Fees

200 AED for issuing a falcon passport per falcon.
50 AED to release one falcon upon entering the country through the border port.
400 AED to issue a veterinary health certificate when the falcon leaves the country through the border port.

Required Documents

The service does not require any documents, as the falcon passport is issued under the customer’s account, through the following:

Terms and Conditions

  1. Terms and conditions apply according to Ministerial Decree No. 229 of 2019 Concerning the Issuance of the Falcon’s Document.
  2. The owner of the falcon must be a citizen of the state or resident holding the valid state ID.
  3. The owner of the falcon must have the falcon in a legal manner and registered on the Ministry’s electronic system
  4. The falcon must be identified by an identification ring, and the owner of the falcon may install an electronic identification chip according to his / her wishes without breaching the conditions of the identification ring.
  5. Falcon’s document used for personal purposes only.
  6. If any amendments or addition to the falcon’s document is required, a new falcon’s document shall be issued for a period of three years from the date of issue.
  7. It is prohibited to use the falcon’s document either inside or outside the State country other than for the purposes specified for.
  8. The owner of the falcon or falcon holder may use the falcon documents across international borders of countries that accept the falcon documents.  The falcon holder must be authorized by the owner may, and produce either an authorization document, official letter or Identify card to the concerned party or any evidenced.
  9. The owner of the falcon shall not change or remove (identification ring) used by the ministry to identify the falcon. if necessary, the owner shall review the ministry for health reasons or others.
  10. The ministry may withdraw, amend or cancel any falcon’s document issued, if proved that falcon’s document issued on the basis of incorrect or misleading data by the applicant.
  11. In the case of countries that do not accept the falcon’s document, the owner of the falcon shall issue CITES certificates for export or re-export for use at the exit of the ports of the State. The original document of the falcon shall be kept for use when entering the ports of the State.
  12. It is not allowed to release falcons in the state unless they have been approved by the competent authority
  13. The ministry may take a sample to examine the DNA of the falcon as needed.
  14. All incoming and outgoing falcons shall be subject to applicable legislation, regulations and procedures for quarantine and regulation and control of international trade in endangered animals and plants in force in the state.