First- General requirements:
- The importer should have a valid agricultural activity license.
- Import permit must be obtained before consignments are shipped from the country of export.
- Importation of any items not mentioned in the import permit shall be rejected.
- It is prohibited to enter agricultural shipments infected with any of the quarantine & regulated non quarantine plant pests.
- The imported items are included in the Ministry's electronic services system.
Second- Special requirements:
Seeds & Tubers:
- The establishment must have an agricultural activity license that includes the activity of importing and exporting seeds.
- Packastablishmentges is made of stainless steel, paper bags lined with aluminum, or plastic and canvas containers to preserve the vitality of seeds without damage.
- The packages contain labels in Arabic or English or one of them, showing all the required data written in a clear line that cannot be erased, or scrapped according to the following:
- Name of crop and name of Varity
- Date of seed production and shelf life
- Operational number
- Percentage of purity and germination rate
- Name of the producing company and origin
- Chemical treatments performed on seeds before packing
- The net weight of seeds inside the package or the number of seeds inside the bag
Seedlings, Plants:
1.The establishment must have an agricultural activity license that includes the activity of importing and exporting plants and seedlings
2.It is prohibited to enter the natural soil associated with seedlings, plants.
3.When importing agricultural consignments in packages of plant origin, a statement is required in the phytosanitary certificate that the packets have been processed with mentioning the type of treatment.
4.When importing (tomato, eggplant, potato, pepper and beans) from countries infected with Tomato leafminer described in the link below, as a phytosanitary measure to prove in the additional declaration of Phytosanitary certificates that the consignments is free from all pest stages (described in below link).
5.When importing plants or cut flowers of (Daisy, Carnation, Banana, tobacco, Rice, Pelargonium) from countries infected with the Fall army worm, to prove in the additional declaration of Phytosanitary certificates that the consignments is free from fall armyworm (described in below link).
6.It is prohibited to import plants, seedlings or a part of them from any country infected with Bayoud disease or Lethal Yellowing Virus or the red palm weevil, according to the link below:
7.It is allowed to import tissue culture palm seedlings which do not exceed the diameter of the leg 5 cm on average.
Honey bees:
- The establishment must have an agricultural activity license that includes the activity of importing and exporting bees
- Bee consignments is rejected if symptoms of the following diseases and pests was shown in visual inspection: Varroa sp/ acarapis woodi/Nosema apis/virus paralysis/Braula coeca/Malpighamoeba/American foulbrood/European foulbrood/Chalkbrood/Sacbrood
- It is prohibited to import the following bee species: (Asian bees, giant bees, African bee breed)
- The import of bees from countries affected by the following pests is prohibited: small hive beetle (Aethina tumida)/ tropilaelaps spp.