First: General Conditions:
- It is allowed to import from the list of countries approved for export and from the centers accredited in those countries to collect semen or Embryos
Second: Special conditions:
For semen consignments and Embryos for cows, sheep and goats:
1.The consignment from a country or region where FMD has not been recorded for at least 12 months prior the collection of the product.
2.The consignment from a country or region where Blue Tongue has not been recorded for at least 12 months prior the collection of the product. Or from a farm where the disease has not been recorded with applying one of the following conditions:
3.Sperm donor animals were protected from mosquito bites (Culicoids) for at least 60 days before and during collection of semen, eggs or embryos.
4.Sperm donor animals were subjected to a virus isolation test every 7 days for samples of blood taken from animals at the beginning of semen collection and at the end and with negative results.
5.The sperm donor animals should be tested by PCR within 28 days from the start of the collection process and with negative results.
6.The consignment from establishment where the following diseases have not been recorded for at least (6) months prior to collection of the products: Trichomoniasis, Chlamydia, Brucellosis, Bovine tuberculosis, Pseudo tuberculosis, Campylobacter, Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia, Leptospirosis, Leucosis, Bovine laryngotracheitis, Maedi-visna in sheep
7.The consignment is from establishment which is licensed or registered by the competent authorities in the country of origin and is subjected to governmental veterinary supervision.
8.The donor animals of the semen were laboratory tested for the following diseases (Leucosis, Trichomonas, Leptospirosis, bovine Tuberculosis, Pseudotuberculosis , Campylobacter, Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia , Brucella)
9.Embryos have been collected from animals that were subjected to laboratory testing with negative results for the following diseases, if recorded in the country of origin (Brucella in the case of sheep and goats, Leptospirosis, Bovine Tuberculosis, Trichomoniasis, Leucosis, Bovine infectious rhinotrachitis , Maedi-visna in sheep).
additional attestation in case of Semen consignment:
- - Semen collected from animals that were visually examined on the date of collection and showed no symptoms for any contagious or infectious diseases.
- - The semen was collected according to Chapter 4.6 of the animal terrestrial health code of the OIE
additional attestation in case of embryos and oocytes:
1- Embryos were collected according to Chapter 4.7 of the animal terrestrial health code of the OIE
2- Embryos were collected in vitro in accordance to Chapter 4.8 of the animal terrestrial health code of the OIE
For semen consignments and embryos for horses:
- Import is permitted according to the conditions stated in the forms of health certificates approved for export