Request for a veterinary health certificate for exporting equine semen

  • Service Code D1-1-AAA-24-Q
  • Number of Users
    0 Companies
    1 Individuals
  • Number of Transaction
    0 Companies
    2 Individuals
  • Target Audience
  • Service Channels

Service Time

The Estimated time to submit a service request : 5 minutes / The time to obtain the service : 3 working days

Customer Happiness Centers

Branches that provide the service

Nad Al Sheba Center for Equine Species

Address: Nad Al Sheba 1 Area, Dubai

Working Days: Monday - Thursday: 07:30 - 15:30 / Friday: 07:30 - 12:00 |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.322611


Location \ Map: Get the direction

Call Center


User manual

Service Description

Through this service, a veterinary health certificate is obtained to export the semen of horses out of the country, valid for 10 days, starting from the date of issuance.

Service Procedures

To apply for a service over any of the service channels, you should register in the digital services system From here

  1. Fill out the electronic form
  2. E - Payment
  3. Visual inspection
  4. Issuing the health certificate electronically

Service Fees

400 AED Request to issue a veterinary health certificate

Required Documents

  • Certificate of analysis from an accredited laboratory analysis for the animals & semen
  1. Equine Infectious Anemia
  2. Equine Viral Arteritis
  3. Contagious Endometritis
  4. Any other test required by the exporting country

Terms and Conditions

  1. Export to the European Union is only permitted from facilities registered in the European Union lists