Export of hazardous waste

  • Service Code D1-3-EA-03-CHW
  • Number of Users
    78 Companies
    0 Individuals
  • Number of Transaction
    530 Companies
    0 Individuals
  • Target Audience
  • Service Channels

Service Time

The Estimated time to submit a service request : 10 minutes / The time to obtain the service : 5 working days

Customer Happiness Centers

Call Center


User manual

Service Description

Through this service, a permit is approved for Export of hazardous waste in accordance with the Basel Convention for the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous wastes.

Service Procedures

To apply for a service over any of the service channels, you should register in the digital services system From here

  1. Fill out the electronic form
  2. E - Payment
  3. Checking the documents electronically
  4. Issue the permit electronically

Service Fees

500 AED for request for permission to export the consignment of hazardous waste

Required Documents

  • Valid Trade license ) activity in the same field (
  • Valid Environmental permit
  • Contract (between exporter & importer)
  • Insurance
  • Movement Document
  • Notification Document

Terms and Conditions

  1. Without a permission from the Ministry, it is prohibited to allow the transit or export of marine, air or land means carrying hazardous wastes in the marine, air or land environment.
  2. The Ministry shall issue a permit for the export of hazardous wastes from the country in accordance with the following conditions:
    -The State of import and transit (if any) shall be a party to the Basel Convention.
    -Obtain the consent from the State of import for the specific import of the hazardous waste if the State of import has not prohibited the import of hazardous wastes.
    -Obtain the consent of transit States (if any) for the transit of hazardous wastes across their borders.
  3. The Ministry shall be notified of the receipt of the shipment of hazardous waste in the country of import and the method of disposal specified in the waste export notification form.
  4. Abide to the provisions of the Basel Convention during the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes. http://basel.int/TheConvention/Overview/TextoftheConvention/tabid/1275/Default.aspx