Release of imported agricultural products consignment

  • Service Code D1-1-AAA-42-Q
  • Number of Users
    4647 Companies
    6171 Individuals
  • Number of Transaction
    297711 Companies
    214758 Individuals
  • Target Audience
  • Service Channels

Service Time

The Estimated time to submit a service request : 4 minutes / The time to obtain the service : 1 working day

Customer Happiness Centers

Branches that provide the service
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi

Al Guwaifat Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Al Ruwais, Abu Dhabi

Working Days: All days of the week / 24 hours |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 51.622864


Location \ Map: Get the direction

Khalifa Port Center for Agriculture and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Khalifa port, Abu Dhabi

Working Days: Monday - Thursday : 07:30 - 15:30 / Friday: 07:00 - 12:00 |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 54.697933


Location \ Map: Get the direction

Khatm Al Shaklah Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Al Ain Area - Khatem Al Sheklah St, Abu Dhabi

Working Days: All days of the week : 07:00 - 18:00 |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.952049


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Mazyad Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Mazyad Area - Al Ain, Abu Dhabi

Working Days: All days of the week: 07:00 - 18:00 |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.847627


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Zayed International Airport Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Cargo village - Zayed Airport, Abu Dhabi

Working Days: All days of the week / 24 hours |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 54.654193


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Al Maktoum Airport Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Al Maktoum Airport Center, Dubai

Working Days: On request, Monday - Thursday: 07:30 - 15:30 / Friday: 07:30 - 12:00 |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.143920


Location \ Map: Get the direction

Al Marasi Port Center for Agricultural Quarantine

Address: Al Marasi Port, Dubai

Working Days: Monday - Thursday: 07:30 - 15:30 / Friday: 07:30 - 12:00 |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.321037


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Dubai Flower Center for Agricultural Quarantine

Address: Dubai International Airport - Dubai Airports for Cargo and Logistics Building, Dubai

Working Days: All days of the week / 24 hours |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.337968


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Hatta Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Hatta Area - Dubai Hatta St., Dubai

Working Days: Agricultural: All days of the week / 24 hours | Veterinary: All days of the week / 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 56.192109


Location \ Map: Get the direction

Jabel Ali Port Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Gate 8. Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai

Working Days: Agricultural: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 21:00 / Saturday: 08:00 - 17:00 | Veterinary: Monday - Thursday: 07:30 - 15:30 / Friday: 07:30 - 12:00 |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.054328


Location \ Map: Get the direction


Khalid Port Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Al Khalidya Area - Khalid Port St., Sharjah

Working Days: Monday - Thursday: 07:30 - 15:30 / Friday: 07:30 - 12:00 / Saturday - Sunday : On request |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.386466


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Khatm Al Malaha Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Khatm Malaha Area - Al wehda St., Sharjah

Working Days: All days of the week : 06:00 - 18:00 |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 56.360519


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Sharjah Airport Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Sharjah airport - Cargo Village , Sharjah

Working Days: Monday - Thursday: 07:30 - 15:30 / Friday: 07:30 - 12:00 / Saturday - Sunday: On request |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.508511


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Ras Al Khaimah
Ras Al Khaimah

Al Darah Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Al Darah Area - Al Jeer St , Ras Al Khaimah

Working Days: Monday - Thursday: 07:30 - 15:30 / Friday: 07:30 - 12:00 |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 56.085406


Location \ Map: Get the direction

AL Hamraniah Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Extension

Address: AL Hamrania Area - Airport St , Ras Al Khaimah

Working Days: Veterinary Extension: Monday - Thursday: 06:00 - 14:00 , Friday: 06:00 - 10:30 / Agricultural Extension: Monday - Thursday: 06:00 - 14:00 , Friday: 06:00 - 10:30 |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.924460


Location \ Map: Get the direction

Ras Al Khaimah Airport Center for Agricultural and Veterinary Quarantine

Address: Ras Al Khaimah Airport, Ras Al Khaimah

Working Days: On request / All days of the week |

Telephone: 8003050


longitude: 55.942685


Location \ Map: Get the direction

Call Center


User manual

Service Description

Through this service, approval is obtained to release agricultural products, including cut flowers and vegetable products (fresh fruits and vegetables) and raw timber (timber that is not subject to the following manufacturing processes: coking, multi-mode, With a thickness of less than 6 mm), and fodder of plant origin. inspection to these consignments will be done upon their arrival at the entry point and are released after ensuring that they comply with the all import requirements.

Service Procedures

To apply for a service over any of the service channels, you should register in the digital services system From here

  1. Fill out the electronic form
  2. E - Payment
  3. Visual inspection and laboratory tests (if required)
  4. Issuing the release permit electronically

Service Fees

200 AED for request to release the consignment of agricultural products
150 AED for request to release the consignment of cut flowers or indoor plants imported to the state

Required Documents

  1. Phytosanitary certificate issued the competent authority of the exporting country 
  2. Copy of the customs manifest, bill of lading or delivery authorization
  3. Certificate of origin (If the attached Phytosanitary certificate does not indicate the country of origin)
  4. List of contents or invoice

Vegetable and fruit consignments:

In addition to the above documents, you must attach:

  • Certificate of analysis for pesticide residues for plant products coming from exporting countries according to the circulars issue by the Department of Agricultural Development and Health

Raw Wood consignments:

In addition to the above documents, you must attach:

  • Heat Treatment Certificate (For woods), Or to be mentioned in the additional declaration clause in the phytosanitary certificate

Terms and Conditions

First: General requirements:

  1. It is prohibited to enter agricultural shipments infected with any of the quarantine & regulated non quarantine plant pests.
  2. The importing country should not be prohibited.
  3. When importing the main hosts demonstrated in the link below and from countries infected with the Fall army worm, as a phytosanitary measure: for fruits and plants to prove in the additional declaration of Phytosanitary certificates that the consignments is free from fall armyworm, for Feed (Groundnut, soybean, cotton, Lucerne, sorghum, clover) to prove in the Disinfestations and/or Disinfection Treatment of Phytosanitary certificates that the consignment has been treated with fumigation.

Second: Special requirements for vegetables and fruits:

  1. It should be free of pesticide residues or within the permissible limits in accordance with the standards adopted by the United Arab Emirates, and in accordance with the decisions issued by the Ministry (for the following countries and types): 
  • Jordan: A certificate of analysis of pesticide residues of all kinds of vegetables and fruits should be attached. According to the mechanism in force in cooperation with the local authorities, the product is banned for the Violator exporter.
  • Egypt: A certificate of analysis of pesticide residues of all kinds of vegetables and fruits should be attached. According to the mechanism in force in cooperation with the local authorities, the product is banned for the Violator exporter.
  • Oman: Watercress is prohibited. A certificate of pesticide residue analysis for all types of vegetables and fruits should be attached
  • Lebanon: attach a certificate of analysis of pesticide residues for all types of fruits
  • Turkey: Attach a certificate of pesticide residue analysis for both pomegranate and lemon consignments.

 2. When importing (tomato, eggplant, potato, pepper and beans) from countries infected with Tomato leafminer described in the link below, as a phytosanitary measure to prove in the additional declaration of Phytosanitary certificates that the consignments is free from all pest stages.